
Breakfast Club
This has a dual aim, to identify Rough Sleepers & Vulnerable men to engage them with appropriate services and provide a healthy nutritious breakfast.
The service, operating Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 10.00am gives us the maximum time to support access to mainstream accommodation. Clients also have the opportunity to participate in life skills sessions that promote a positive and constructive means of utilising time.
Preventing Homelessness
We provide sessions in:
• How to find a hostel place
• Advocacy You and Your Rights’
• Tenancy Support
• Support with bidding for social housing
• ‘Signposting+ including Identity Building Surgery
• Supported sessions to apply for benefits online
• Help with debt management
• Support with drug, alcohol & mental health issues (with assistance to reconnect with services).
Tackling Loneliness
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Enhancing Employability
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Promoting Healthier Lives
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Improving Life Skills
• Accessible ‘Computers for the Terrified’ Sessions for rough sleepers in I.T, (including setting up an e-mail account, using e-mail, understanding the World Wide Web, Protecting your I.D online).
• Understanding and complying with Universal Credit and ‘Find a Job’ workshops.
• Workshops in art therapy and exploring diversity through art & craft sessions.
• Basic Skills in English and Maths, managing money, addressing Debt and Literacy & Numeracy Workshops.
• ‘Job Club programme,’ tailored support for clients, consisting of preparing a CV, submitting effective application forms, mock interview sessions, finding jobs on the internet and assistance to attend interviews.
• Programme of Healthy Living activities, including, Gym, Walking and Gardening and Cooking Healthily on a Budget sessions.
• Arts and Crafts ‘Connect’ Group.
• ‘Making Positive Changes’ Scheme – Our innovative, programme with the aim of enabling clients to develop positive strategies and practical solutions to cope with setbacks, build resilience and recover from rough sleeping.
• Advice, Guidance and Support Workshops in housing, employment and welfare benefits.
Helping male victims of crime
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Help for victims of domestic abuse
Our Community Outreach Service is for men and their children who are victims of domestic abuse & violence.
Our Male Keyworker works with male victims/survivors and their children of domestic violence and abuse. We provide direct help and support for male victims of domestic abuse and violence. Our goal is to help you reduce risk, keep you safe and rebuild your life.
We provide practical information, advice, advocacy, guidance and explain what help is available for you and other family members. This could include assistance with finding a refuge or safe house, if appropriate, supporting you to stay in your home by making your existing home more secure. St. George’s HUB is at your side throughout this process.
Your time helping can change lives