Case Studies

Case Studies
Case Studies
Examples of Case studies which have been simplified but demonstrate the key elements of some of our work;
I look forward rather than back these days
Mr P is a 47 year old man, who has by his own admissions, made many mistakes in his life. After a troubled early life, during which he was excluded from a number of schools, he began a life of petty crime that resulted in several short custodial prison sentences. After the last of these, contact was cut with his daughter sending Mr P into a heightened sense of decline. It was at this point he began to access St. George’s HUB through our Breakfast Club. Through his life he had often been written off as a hopeless case and this became a self-fulfilling prophecy as he went from one crisis to another, becoming intermittently homeless. It took a considerable amount of highly sensitive work to engage with him and for him to trust us. He disclosed the nature of his childhood trauma and we were able to signpost him to proper, professional help. This was the seismic shift in his life and with our support he was able to find a small, manageable tenancy. With this in place he began to participate in our life skill sessions; working with staff and volunteers he was able to register with both Universal Credit and ‘Find a job’. This in turn gave him the confidence to create a C.V. and a real sense that he could re-enter the labour market. Being on a stable footing for the first time in many years, he was able to reconnect, tentatively with his daughter. In his own words ‘St. George’s HUB was there for me, when I very, very far gone. They helped me to escape the chaos of my own making. I look forward rather than back these days’.
The art group gave him space and time to express himself
Mr L, had begun work in his early 20’s as a Draughtsman in a large, local company. With a partner and three children he managed to buy a large 3 bedroomed house in the suburbs of Wolverhampton. After the death of both of his parents, in a short space of time, he sunk into a state of deep depression. As a result of this and his inability to talk about his problems, the relationship broke down and he moved into a small bedsit; in this new world other residents quickly exploited his vulnerabilities. He then began to drink to dull the loneliness that came to define his evenings. Our first interaction with him was as a quiet and timid recipient of our breakfast club. He revealed the depth of his despair to a volunteer and talked of his suicidal thoughts. We listened; giving him the time & space to express his feelings in a safe space was crucial. Quickly we referred him to counselling and supported him to begin attending some of our sessions; attending the art group gave him space and time to express himself & a forum to talk. We were able to liaise with a landlord to move him to a more suitable tenancy as a matter of urgency. With the support of both staff and volunteers he refreshed his C.V and began to apply for some part time vacancies. To assist with his recovery, he has now started to fundraise for charities via taking part in ‘fun runs.’
Sleeping rough
‘Jeff’ ended up sleeping rough as a result of a relationship breakdown . His mental and physical health began to depreciate measurably. We worked in partnership to assist find him a hostel place and to ensure he obtained the correct benefits. He attended several workshops that further boosted his confidence. After several months and with assistance from St. George’s HUB and the tenancy sustainment team he obtained a new flat. He attends St. George’s HUB occasionally and has developed strong links with the community he is now part of.
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